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    I Ate Too Much - Now What?

    I Ate Too Much - Now What?

    My Plate
    Do you remember learning to ride a bike? For most of us it took several tries and many scrapes and bruises before we could confidently ride on our own. Practice makes perfect. 

    So switching gears (no pun intended), if you had 10 too many servings of that special holiday candy or feel like you out did yourself at the Christmas dinner, get up and dust off the frustration and get back on track. 

    Here's how: 
    • Eat regular meals -- get back on a schedule
    • Eat smaller portions
    • Eat slowly 
    • Eat at least 5 fruits and vegetables a day 
    • Drink 8 cups of water
    • Be realistic and specific in your goals 
    • Make sure exercise is part of your plan
    • If the weather permits, you could go for a bike ride
    If you have more specific questions on nutrition and how you can meet your goals, feel free to ask our nutritionists