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    Exclusive Breastfeeding: The Right Choice for All the Right Reasons

    Exclusive Breastfeeding: The Right Choice for All the Right Reasons

    breastfeeding image

    For years, we have all heard about the benefits of breastfeeding for both mothers and newborn infants. Doctors, nurses, and especially mothers, all understand this.  The good news is that many mothers are listening to the experts and have been making informed decisions about feeding.

    Experts agree that the benefits of providing only colostrum and breast milk, during the early newborn period and even up to six months, provides optimal immune protection and gives babies the chance to better grow and have positive developmental outcomes. 

    Providing only colostrum and breast milk in the early newborn period through the next six months will: 


    1.  Provide optimal immune protection
    2. Babies have better developmental outcomes
    3. Cost savings for the family and community at large 

    One of the most important things you are going to learn during and after your pregnancy are the proper methods of feeding your baby.  We want you to be successful and we are here to help.   

    We understand and respect that it is a mother’s choice in her feeding method, whether it is breast, bottle, or both.  Perhaps that decision is based on past circumstances beyond her control.  We extend an invitation in this series of breastfeeding blogs to learn new information that may encourage different thought patterns in how to manage your breastfeeding experience.    

    We would like to address why breastfeeding and only breastfeeding is important.  We will talk about:

    • What is exclusive breastfeeding?
    • Why exclusive breastfeeding is so important in the early newborn period. 
    • What are the common concerns and questions mothers ask in the early newborn period?  What are the answers?  What are some normal breastfeeding patterns and newborn behaviors?
    • How you can become successful in your exclusive breastfeeding goals
    • When supplementation may be necessary
    • Where can new mothers find help

    Stay tuned for more articles about breastfeeding here on the Intermountain blog.