1) Change your mindset. Instead of saying “I want to lose weight”, try “I’m going to add more fruits and vegetables to my diet”. This resolution is more likely to become a healthy habit that you will stick with.
2) Take it a week at a time. Start small. If you make your fitness goals week by week instead of far into the future, you will be more successful. Success itself is enough motivation to keep going!
3) Pencil in your bedtime. Many of us do not have a consistent sleeping schedule, but your sleep is just as important as your workout or diet. In fact, sleep helps supplement your active and healthy lifestyle! Make it a habit and get in the routine of a good night’s sleep!
4) Pump up your workout. Many people see their fitness goals plummet within the first month. People who are successful see fitness as a permanent lifestyle change, not something to give up on once the goal is reached. Try something new every couple weeks to change up your workout. You are less likely to become bored with your new lifestyle this way!
5) Reward yourself. For many, anticipating rewards helps them to become more devoted to their goal. Treat yourself to a massage if you complete 30 days of your workout! You can also penalize yourself for not following through with your plan. Didn’t feel like working out this week? No television for a week.
6) De-stress daily. Take a moment to disconnect every day. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths while in the office. When you are at home, turn off your phone and listen to a calming playlist or read a book.
7) Stay hydrated. Skip that soda and vow to drink more water during the day. You will start to feel more awake and refreshed! Need a little pick-me-up? Infuse your water with different fruits, vegetables and herbs to give it some flavor!
8) Swap the elevator for the stairs. You will feel great and look great! Every step counts! Did you know you can burn more than 100 calories just by swapping the elevator for the stairs for 15 minutes a day?
9) Stretch! For every hour you are sitting down at work, get up and stretch. It will help you stay awake and focused throughout the day! Gym nearby? Stop in for a yoga class during your lunch break.
10) Write down “why” you have set this goal. Maybe you want to wear your old jeans or be a great example to your kids. This reason is the fuel to push yourself, keep going and making a healthy habit this year.
What are you waiting for? Let’s make 2018 the healthiest year ever! Stay tuned for healthy recipes and great workouts from Intermountain LiVeWell on the Intermountain Blog!