What is perfectionism?
While perfection is a noble aim, the daily experience of being a perfectionist thinker can be miserable. Perfectionism is the strong belief that anything short of perfection is negative, and that even minor mistakes are unacceptable. It involves a tendency to set standards that are so high they cannot be met or are only met with great difficulty.
The price of perfectionism is a constant feeling of self-judgement and anxiety about failing or not being good enough. The result is often not being willing to try a new behavior if it can’t be done perfectly.
For example, a person may want to exercise, but because they don’t have time to do 150 minutes of exercise in the week, they don’t do anything. However, they feel guilty when they are reminded of the importance of physical activity, and feel shameful when they compare themselves to others who they think “must” be perfect in this behavior.
Ultimately, perfectionist thinking can be toxic to one’s health and mental health.