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Health news and blog

    Your Fall health to-do list

    Your Fall health to-do list

    Your Fall Health to-do list

    With the return of cozy sweaters and pumpkin spice flavored everything, you’re probably ramping up for a fun-filled fall season. You name it: pumpkin patches, corn mazes, color-changing leaves, DIY Halloween costumes, chili and cornbread — it’s been calling your name since those sweaty summer months. We know you’re ready to jump into all the activities the season has to offer, bucket list style.
    But what about your fall health bucket list? What boxes should you be crossing off this season to help you outlast the blahs of winter and keep you (and your family) healthy all season?
    Here are five Fall health to-dos:

    Wear a mask and practice social distancing

    With the colder weather, more people are retreating indoors which presents a higher risk for spreading COVID-19 and other viruses. Make sure when you leave your house to wear a mask and practice safe social distancing – which is 6 feet or more. 

    Get a flu shot

    Don’t wait until winter to protect yourself against the flu. And this year, it’s more important than ever. Flu season typically begins in October, so try to get the shot as soon as it’s available. The sooner you get the vaccine, the sooner you start safeguarding yourself — and others — against the virus. (And no, the shot does not give you the flu.)

    Stock up on supplies

    Even with vaccinations and other precautions, illnesses can still hit your family. Don’t wait until a midnight fever strikes to hit the drugstore or scour your cabinets for medicine. Start now to stockpile tissues, cold medicines, a thermometer — and maybe even ingredients for chicken soup. Clip mini hand sanitizers to your kids’ backpacks, and invest in some fall-scented soaps to encourage diligent and frequent hand washing. Keep disinfectant wipes handy to wipe down frequently-touched areas, like light switches, door knobs, counters, and faucets. 

    Learn about your family medical history

    Discovering more about your family medical history can help you gain valuable insight into your medical history and promote a healthy future. Now that we’re approaching cold-weather holidays, take advantage of the extra time with family to record and collect information from your relatives. This info can provide key insights that help you understand health risks and the steps you should take to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

    Continue to eat well and exercise

    Don’t let cooler temps derail your healthy lifestyle. If a chill keeps you from outdoor activities, ramp up your layers (and other necessary outdoor gear) or practice some indoor yoga. And as far as your diet is concerned, keep a Thanksgiving-meal-size mindset for a special occasions.Continue to fuel yourself in healthy ways and plan ahead for eating well while enjoying the holidays.

    As a new season approaches, it’s important to keep your health and wellbeing a priority. (Along with pumpkin carving and cider, of course).