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    Intermountain Healthcare Researchers Selected to Participate in the Vice President’s Clinical & Translational (VPCAT) Research Scholars Program

    Intermountain Healthcare Researchers Selected to Participate in the Vice President’s Clinical & Translational (VPCAT) Research Scholars Program

    The OoR is elated to report that three scholars were selected from the highly competitive applicant pool and will receive a scientific mentor and a VPCAT senior mentor over the next two years. The two-year competitive program incorporates:


    • Formal and informal mentoring
    • Assistance with preparation and submission of grants
    • Opportunities to present their research findings
    • Participation in leadership development seminars
    • Structured curriculum to teach study design
    • Access to biostatisticians in the Center for Clinical & Translational Science (CCTS)


    “This program is paramount to providing scholars with the foundation for their careers and conducting clinically relevant research to help patients “live the healthiest lives possible.” says Brad M. Isaacson, PhD, MBA, MSF, a Research Project Manager within OoR. A brief description of each scholar and their research is as follows:


    Patrick Carroll, MD, MPH – Dr. Patrick Carroll is the Regional Medical Director for Pediatrics in St. George, Utah. He completed medical school at the Medical College of Wisconsin, residency training in Pediatrics from Columbus Children’s Hospital, completed a fellowship in Neonatology at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, and earned an MPH from The Ohio State University.  Dr. Carroll’s research will evaluate the reliability of placental/umbilical cord blood for admission laboratory testing to reduce the potential for intraventricular hemorrhage in neonates. This is of critical importance since approximately 4 million babies are born in the United States annually, but unfortunately 23,000 of them die [1]. In fact, preterm births account for 11.4% of all births, but 66.3% of all deaths. Further, only 1.9% of all births are under 32 weeks gestation, but 52.7% of all infant deaths are among babies born prior to 32 weeks gestation. Infants born this prematurely often weigh 500 grams (roughly 1 pound) and their total blood volume is only 40 mL. Laboratory tests required upon admission of these infants requires 2.5 mL (and sometimes up to 6 mL) of blood. This is equivalent to removing nearly 750 mL of blood from an adult patient to perform needed tests! Dr. Carroll hopes to use non-invasive measures to determine the health/well-being of babies. His research will be guided by his Intermountain mentor, Bob Christensen, MD and VPCAT mentor, Heather Keenan, MD, PhD, MPH.


    Sarah Majercik, MD, MBA – Dr. Sarah Majercik is a Trauma and Critical Care Surgeon at Intermountain Medical Center in Murray, Utah. She received her medical education from the University of Vermont, residency training in General Surgery from Brown Medical School and earned an MBA from Washington University in St. Louis. Her research will focus on using Duplex ultrasound (DUS) to determine the rate of venous thromboembolism (VTE) (deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE) in high-risk trauma patients who have surveillance for lower extremity DVT versus those who do not have surveillance. VTE affects an estimated 900,000 people in the United States annually, and leads to approximately 300,000 deaths [2]. Patients with major traumatic injury are at an exceptionally high risk for developing DVT and PE. By developing new screening procedures, Dr. Majercik, her Intermountain mentor, Scott Stevens, MD, and VPCAT mentor, Siam Oottamasathien, MD, may be able further understand this condition and prescribe new diagnostic/treatment alternatives.


    Edward (Eddie) Stenehjem, MD – Dr. Eddie Stenehjem serves as the Medical Director of Antimicrobial Stewardship Committee and Telehealth Infectious Diseases Program, and Co-chair of the Central Antimicrobial Stewardship Subcommittee of the Infection Control Guidance Council at Intermountain Medical Center in Murray, Utah. He completed his medical education at St. Louis University, residency training in Internal Medicine at the University of Colorado and completed a fellowship in Infection Disease from Emory University. His VPCAT research is focused on improving the use of antibiotics, which is a major patient safety and public health concern. In fact, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that each year at least 2 million illnesses and 23,000 deaths are caused by drug-resistant bacteria in the United States alone [3]. Over the next 2 years, Dr. Stenehjem will develop a comprehensive audit tool to assess the appropriateness of antibiotic management for hospitalized patients to serve as a reference standard for quality measure development. He will be advised by his Intermountain mentor Raj Srivastava, MD, MPH and VPCAT senior mentor, Kimberly Hanson, MD, MHS.


    1. Martin, J.A., et al., Births: final data for 2013. National vital statistics reports : from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, National Vital Statistics System, 2015. 64(1): p. 1-65.
    2. Raskob GE, Silverstein R, Bratzler DW, Heit JA, White RH. Surveillance for deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism: recommendations from a national workshop. Am J Prev Med. 2010 Apr;38(4 Suppl):S502-9.
    3. (Accessed 16 December 2015)