The PGY1 pharmacy residency program at LDS Hospital is an ASHP-accredited program designed to meet the interests of the resident with a focus on training them to become highly competent and confident clinical pharmacists.

Intermountain LDS Hospital is a full-service hospital with a complete range of wellness, diagnostic, and treatment services for our community. For more than 115 years, LDS Hospital has provided high-quality clinical care, technological progress, exceptional efficiency and extraordinary personal service. This 262-bed facility is located just minutes from downtown Salt Lake City, and is integrated with Intermountain’s Life Flight air ambulance and Telehealth Hospital. Notable medical specialties at LDS Hospital include:  

  • Bone Marrow Transplant
  • Behavioral Health
  • Critical Care
  • Internal Medicine 
  • Infectious Diseases
  • Emergency and Trauma Services
  • Surgery and Orthopedics 


Click here for a listing of PGY1 Pharmacy rotations; note that additional rotations are available upon request. Residents are allowed to complete rotations anywhere throughout the Intermountain enterprise and at any site of service (hospitals, clinics, homecare, central office, etc.).


Residents at LDS Hospital are required to staff 32 hours per month (every-other-weekend shifts) and one major holiday during their residency year. Residents will rotate assignments between the central pharmacy, medical floor, and critical care floor. Residents will start staffing each area after orientation or rotations are completed in those areas.

Residency Completion Requirements

See the PGY1 Pharmacy Residency homepage and Residency Manual for details.

After Completing This Program

Pharmacists completing this residency program will be competent and confident practitioners of direct patient care in multiple practice and patient care environments. They will be able to identify and resolve potential and actual patient-specific, drug-related problems and will be accountable for achieving optimal drug therapy outcomes as members of a healthcare team.

Our residents will also become skilled educators, both verbally and in writing, of health care professionals, students, patients and the community. They will demonstrate professional maturity by independently following a personal philosophy of practice, monitoring their own performance, exhibiting commitment to the profession and exercising leadership in improving the safety of the medication-use system.

As highly trained professionals, our residents will be well prepared to compete in today's job market upon completion of our residency program. 

Application Process

To apply to the program, submit your application through PhORCAS. Candidate applications must be received prior to 10 pm MST on January 2nd. Refer to the application information webpage for details.


Refer to our benefits webpage for details.