Everyone knows someone with type 2 diabetes, and prediabetes is even more common, affecting up to 1 in 3 adults in the United States! However, type 2 diabetes is not a foregone conclusion for those with risk factors, or even those with prediabetes – prevention works! Prevention includes making changes in your lifestyle, such as more physical activity and improving dietary intake in support of weight loss. A 5% weight loss can reduce the likelihood of getting type 2 diabetes by 50%! Consider the suggestions below as you start on a journey to prevent type 2 diabetes and improve your health.

  • Be active!

    Park a little further away from the office or grocery store, take a few laps around the living room rather than go right back to the couch, don’t stop at your mailbox, head to the neighbors and get a few extra steps in! Look for opportunities each day to move a bit more! 10 minutes of activity, like a brisk walk, done 3 times a day is the goal.

  • Lose some weight.

    Losing just 5% of your body weight can make a huge difference in preventing or delaying the onset of type 2 diabetes. For someone who is 200 pounds that means about 10 pounds. While still a challenge, it is one you can achieve!

  • Get screened.

    Know your risk factors for prediabetes and then do something about them. Check out the "Prediabetes Quiz" and see what else you can do and learn.

  • Take a look at your diet.

    Switching one sugary treat for a fruit can help you feel better and get you on the path to improving all the other things you are working on. Consider swapping out some bread, pasta, and cereal for fruits and vegetables. Small changes add up to big differences!

  • Get help!

    Talk to your doctor if you are concerned about your risk of prediabetes. Additional screening with a blood test can confirm the diagnosis and launch you toward prevention. Ask your provider for assistance in linking to type 2 diabetes prevention programs. Our job is to help you live the healthiest life possible!