The Intermountain Primary Care Heart Failure Risk Model (AMELIORATE-HF)

Age ≥18 years old
BMIBMI (kg/m2)
BPdiaDiastolic blood pressure (mmHg)
BPsystSystolic blood pressure (mmHg)
EFEjection Fraction (%)
BPMHeart rate (bpm)
BNPBNP (pg/mL)
WBCWhite Blood Cell Count (x 103/uL)
PLTPlatelet Count (x 103/uL)
RDWRed Cell Distribution Width (%)
KPotassium (mmol/L)
NaSodium (mmol/L)
CaCalcium (mg/dL)
HC03Bicarbonate (mmol/L)
GlucoseGlucose (mg/dL)
CreatinineCreatinine (mg/dL)
ProteinTotal Protein (g/dL)
AnionAnion Gap (mEq/L)
BilirubinBilirubin (mg/dL)
Age ≥18 years old
BPdiaDiastolic blood pressure (mmHg)
EFEjection Fraction (%)
BPMHeart rate (bpm)
BNPBNP (pg/mL)
HCTHematocrit (%)
WBCWhite Blood Cell Count (x 103/uL)
RDWRed Cell Distribution Width (%)
NaSodium (mmol/L)
CaCalcium (mg/dL)
HC03Bicarbonate (mmol/L)
GlucoseGlucose (mg/dL)
CreatinineCreatinine (mg/dL)
ProteinTotal Protein (g/dL)
BilirubinBilirubin (mg/dL)

Predicting the health deterioration of primary care patients who have a heart failure diagnosis to the point of needing advanced heart failure care from secondary care providers. AMELIORATE-HF was developed to predict first heart failure hospitalization or death within 6 months for primary care patients with heart failure.
This Risk Calculator is for research purposes only. The information and results are not intended to diagnose, prevent or treat disease. Intermountain Healthcare does not guarantee the accuracy or predictability of the Risk Calculator. For further information about your health, please consult your physician.

For additional information, please visit: Risk Scores Overview
Risk Score Peer Reviewed Publications