The Inpatient Heart Failure 30-day Readmission Risk Score

Age (>=18 years old)
RBC (Red Blood Cell Count)
WBC (White Blood Cell Count)
MCHC(Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration)
K (Potassium)
Co2 (Bicarbonate)
BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen)
BNP (B‐type Natriuretic Peptide)
Hct (Hematocrit)
RDW (Red Cell Distribution Width)
MPV (Mean Platelet Volume)
Na (Sodium)
Cr (Creatinine)

This Risk Calculator is for research purposes only. The information and results are not intended to diagnose, prevent or treat disease. Intermountain Healthcare does not guarantee the accuracy or predictability of the Risk Calculator. For further information about your health, please consult your physician.

Horne BD, Budge D, Masica AL, Savitz LA, Benuzillo J, Cantu G, Bradshaw A, McCubrey R, Bair TL, Roberts CA, Rasmusson KD, Alharethi R, Kfoury AG, James BC, Lappé DL. Early inpatient calculation of laboratory-based 30-day readmission risk scores empowers clinical risk modification during index hospitalization. Am Heart J 2017;185:101-109.

Evans RS, Benuzillo J, Horne BD, Lloyd JF, Bradshaw A, Budge D, Rasmusson KD, Roberts C, Buckway J, Geer N, Garrett T, Lappé DL. Automated identification and predictive tools to help identify high-risk heart failure patients: pilot evaluation. J Am Med Inform Assoc 2016;23:872-878.

Horne BD, Roberts CA, Rasmusson KD, Buckway J, Alharethi R, Cruz J, Evans RS, Lloyd JF, Bair TL, Kfoury AG, Lappé DL. Risk score-guided multidisciplinary team-based care for heart failure inpatients is associated with lower 30-day readmission and lower 30-day mortality. Am Heart J 2019;(In press). (doi: 10.1016/j.ahj.2019.09.004)

For additional information, please visit: Risk Scores Overview
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