No words are more dreaded by patients and physicians alike than being told you have cancer. At Intermountain, we are aggressively working toward curing cancer and permanently eliminating these painful words. In the meantime, we are dedicated to detecting cancer early, and helping our patients fight it through advanced therapies and proven cancer treatments. 

Early detection is critical to catching and treating different kinds of cancer. Through screenings, biopsies, and clinical exams, Intermountain’s skilled physicians and technicians can better watch for and monitor any risks. Talk to your doctor about how often you should receive a mammogram, colonoscopy, skin exam, or prostate exam. 

If cancer is detected through a screening or exam, Intermountain’s expert team of oncologists and care managers will determine a treatment plan that fits your individual needs. We employ a variety of effective treatment options including chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery to get you cancer-free and living well. We fight cancer with you and for you. 


A biopsy is a procedure that takes a sample of tissue or fluid from the body for testing. A healthcare provider can use the test results to help diagnose diseases or conditions, such as cancer.

Breast Cancer Screening

Find related articles and information about breast cancer screening.


Lung Cancer Screening

Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world. Although lung cancer is one of the most serious types of cancer, early detection allows for early treatment.

Prostate Screening

Prostate [PROS-teyt] screening involves testing to determine abnormalities of the prostate that would suggest cancer. Prostate cancer tests use a digital rectal exam and in some cases, a blood test to determine next steps in prostate cancer screening.
A doctor speaks with his patient at her bedside.

Skin Exams

A skin exam is when you or your healthcare provider looks at the skin on all areas of your body to check for skin cancer. A skin self-exam is when you check your own skin.

Clinical Breast Exam

A clinical breast exam is a physical exam performed by a trained doctor to check for abnormalities in the breast tissue and the surrounding area. These are usually done as part of routine yearly health exams for women over 40.