What is a Sports Nutrition Consultation?

Being a great athlete is not just about training. It’s also about staying full of energy by eating different types of food throughout the day, drinking the right amount of water for your body size and how much you exercise, and getting enough sleep (about 8 to 10 hours a night).

A well-designed eating plan can help you reach your sports performance goals. We offer sports nutrition consultations for athletes of all ages and abilities. Every athlete is different so making a custom diet plan is important.

Sports Nutrition Locations

What can a sports dietitian help me with?

Our sports dietitian can help you:

Customize a nutrition plan for power, endurance, or speed

Reduce body fat percentage and increase muscle mass

Plan pre, during, and post-activity meals and snacks for the best energy and recovery

Teach you about the right portion sizes for you to help you meet your goals

Learn about how much water you need to stay hydrated

Learn about which supplements can help you

Remembering to enjoy eating while making choices that boost your performance

What to Expect at Your Appointment

During your sports nutrition appointment, you will have a chat with your dietitian about:

  • Your relationship with food
  • How much you eat and what you like to eat
  • Your exercise routine and performance goals
  • Your medical history

After going through all of that, you and your dietitian will talk about changes you can make to help you reach your goals.

How do I know if a Sports Nutrition Consult is right for me?

The fitness and performance industry is full of ways to achieve your goals. However, not all of these are evidence-based and can be challenging to sort through. Our registered dietitians will answer these questions, help you sort through nutrition myths, and give you recommendations using evidence-based research.