In this Article

At the Spine Institute our case manager will work closely with the Workers Compensation clientele to facilitate optimal, cost-effective care for injured workers. Our collaborative team includes excellent communication regarding the care plan with the worker, employer, adjustor, case manager and provider. We strive to maintain or restore injured workers' function to safely enable them to stay at work or return in a timely fashion.

The Spine Institute will work with Intermountain Healthcare’s extensive network of specialists who are experienced in workers compensation injury care to ensure an appropriate continuum of care for the injured worker. Quality care, communication with employers, objective documentation for payers and the coordination of a timely and safe return to work is the focus of our treatment team.

Functional Assessment

During your first appointment at the Spine Institute, a functional assessment may be completed. The case manager, physician and/or physical therapist conduct an assessment to learn your abilities and limitations. They will evaluate:

  • Your goals. What exactly to you hope to achieve by visiting our program?
  • Simple flexibility, lifting, and walking tests to see what you can do now, compared to what you want to be able to do.
  • Prior care and testing and what additional tests/evaluation need to be completed.
  • Assessment of any stressors or barriers you feel may affect your treatment or goal achievement.
  • Comparison of your current abilities and goals, and discussion of how you can best get the results you want.

Once they have a complete picture, they will determine which staff and physicians will best meet your needs. Each time you visit the Spine Institute, we will reassess the improvement in your functional ability and symptom improvement.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is an integral part of any Workman’s Compensation spine case. Once a diagnosis and treatment plan has been created for the patient, our physical therapist will either arrange to provide the needed physical therapy treatment, or he/she will communicate the suggested treatment plan with a physical therapist that is on the work-site or in the community where the patient lives.

Return to Work Assessment

At the Workers Compensation case manager or employer’s request, our team may complete a return to work assessment.

Additional Resources