
The main symptom of ischiofemoral impingement syndrome is hip pain. At first, the pain from this condition will be mild, but it gets worse and worse over time as the rubbing of the bones causes more damage, inflammation. 

Ischiofemoral impingement syndrome can feel a lot like a pulled hamstring, but the pain is usually more local to the buttocks. Sometimes, you can feel pain in the hip or groin as well. 

When to See a Doctor

If you notice a lot of pain in the hips, buttocks, or groin that does not go away, you should see your healthcare provider to find out the cause of your pain. 

Some of the symptoms of ischiofemoral impingement syndrome are the same as the symptoms of other serious conditions like muscle tears, tendon tears, or fractures. Your healthcare provider can do a physical examination and tests that can diagnose or rule out ischiofemoral impingement as well as these other conditions. 


An ischiofemoral impingement happens when there is contact between the top of the thighbone (the femur) and the hip bone (the ischium). Usually, these two bones touch in a way that lets them move without pain, but trauma, overuse, and surgery can damage the bone. 

Sometimes, this damage causes a piece of extra bone, called a bone spur, to grow on the hip or femur. This bone spur can start to rub on the femur and hip bones, causing more damage and making the condition worse. 

Diagnosis & Tests, Treatment, & Prevention

Diagnosis & Tests

To diagnose an ischiofemoral impingement, your healthcare provider will start with a physical exam. During the exam, your healthcare provider may feel certain points in the hips to feel for symptoms of an ischiofemoral impingement. If your healthcare provider thinks you may have ischiofemoral impingement syndrome, they may request additional imaging tests, such as an x-ray or MRI, to confirm the diagnosis.

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