How to Sleep better

Tips for getting a good night's Sleep

Your symptoms can improve if you make sure to get enough sleep. Here are some tips below to help stay on track:

  • Stick to a regular schedule. It will be easier to get to sleep if your body expects sleep at the same time each day. 
  • Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day. It is important to get into a routine, even on weekends or days off work.
  • If you're a shift worker, keep the same sleep and wake schedule even on your days off.
  • Create a bedtime routine. Routine is very important when it comes to staying on a regular sleeping schedule. Create a routine you go through about 30 minutes before going to sleep. Consider quiet activities like reading, listening to quiet music, or taking a bath. 
  • Be active. Exercise regularly to improve your sleep. Avoid heavy exercise 2 to 4 hours before bedtime. 
  • Make your bedroom the place for sleep. Don't use your bedroom for a lot of activities, such as paperwork or watching T.V.
  • Make sure your bedroom is quiet and dark. Put the T.V. and phone in another room, and get curtains to block outdoor light. 
  • Focus on comfort. Make sure your bed and pillow are comfortable. Keep the bedroom at a comfortable temperature, on the cool side. 
  • Watch what you eat and drink. 
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine within six hours of bedtime.
  • Don't go to bed hungry. Eat a light snack before bed, but don't eat a large meal. Avoid eating spicy foods before bedtime.