In this Article

Your Baby

The features of your baby's face are now formed and arranged with the eyes are toward the front of the face, rather than the sides. The fused eyelids that cover them are less transparent. The chin and nose are more prominent. The ears are in their final position at the side of the head. Tiny fingernails and toenails are forming.

Your Body

Prenatal care generally starts before the 13th week of pregnancy. At each prenatal visit, your doctor or midwife will take various measures to help gauge your health and your baby's health. You'll soon learn the routine, which includes urine testing, blood pressure and weight checks, and recording the baby's heartbeat.

Healthy Tip

If there are no risk factors or complications in your pregnancy, expect to see your healthcare provider:

  • Every four weeks until the 28th week of pregnancy, then…
  • Every two weeks until 36 weeks, then…
  • Once a week until delivery.

Although many checks and measures are done at every visit, some happen just once, at specific times during pregnancy. Ask your provider about dates for your ultrasound scan, gestational diabetes screening, group B strep test, and other routine checks.

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    Connect Care

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