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    Why We Do Research

    Why We Do Research


    High-quality care at Intermountain begins long before a patient enters one of our hospitals or clinics. It starts with innovative research.

    Intermountain-based research expands our patients’ access to a wide variety of treatment options. It also helps attract leading physicians, nurses and other caregivers who are interested in world-class clinical investigation that leads to demonstrably better patient care. Our aim at Intermountain is to provide “the best medical result at the lowest necessary cost”.

    Intermountain currently has more than 1,500 active research studies in more than 20 clinical areas. The core of Intermountain research takes place within our 10 clinical programs: Behavioral Health, Cardiovascular, Intensive Medicine, Musculoskeletal, Neurosciences, Oncology, Pediatrics, Primary Care, Surgical Services, and Women & Newborns.

    To find out more about Intermountain Healthcare Research and the advancement of medical knowledge in many clinical areas visit