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    Pregnancy After Miscarriage: The Sooner The Better, Study Says

    Pregnancy After Miscarriage: The Sooner The Better, Study Says


    Your chances of conceiving after a miscarriage have a higher success rate, according to a new study by the National Institutes of Health ( 


    Couples who attempt to conceive within three months after losing an early pregnancy, defined as less than 20 weeks gestation, have the same chances, if not greater, of achieving a live birth than those who wait for three months or more, according to the study (


    Researchers found that more than 76 percent of women in the study attempted to conceive within three months after losing a pregnancy. Compared to those who waited longer, this group was more likely to become pregnant (69 percent vs. 51 percent) and to have a pregnancy leading to a live birth (53 percent vs. 36 percent).


    David Matthews,DO, OB/GYN ( Riverton Hospital (, says he’s fine with couples who want to try and try get pregnant sooner than later following a miscarriage.


    “I’m okay with couples trying right away to get pregnant right away when they’re physically and emotionally ready for another pregnancy,” says Dr. Matthews.


    While an average of 17 percent of pregnancies end in miscarriage, the number changes to 20 percent on the second pregnancy. “It’s encouraging news that 80 percent of women should be able to conceive after a miscarriage,” says Dr. Matthews.