Social Determinants of Health
The purpose of Intermountain’s Place Based Investments portfolio is to help people live the healthiest lives possible by supporting place-based initiatives that contribute to improved health and well-being. We accomplish this by providing flexible capital for projects that address the social determinants of health within Intermountain Health’s service area. The social determinants of health are the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work, and age that shape health. They include factors like health behaviors, socioeconomic status, and physical environment. Addressing these conditions is important for improving health and reducing longstanding disparities. Together, health behaviors, socioeconomic status, and physical environment are a greater driver of health outcomes and life expectancy than clinical health treatment.
Intermountain’s Place Based Investments focus on a few key social determinants: housing stability, employment, and financial wellness. These social determinants were chosen based on independent research on needs in the Intermountain West and findings from Community Health Needs Assessments (CHNA). While investments that address any of the social determinants included in the graphic above may qualify, Intermountain is actively working to develop investment opportunities in these key areas.
Contact us
- Nick Fritz, Director of Place Based Investments
- 801-442-3559