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Learn more about how we use this information
How we change the experience based on you and protect your privacy
Intermountain Health offers several patient portal systems that let you view your medical records, message your provider, or schedule an appointment. These systems differ depending on where you live.
To make things easier for you, our website has links like "Sign In" and "Patient Tools" and many more. We personalize these links based on the location you select at the top of the page. For example, if you’re in Colorado, we will direct you to MyChart, while in Utah, you’ll use the Intermountain Health App.
Our goal is to make sure you find the right tools and resources easily, tailored to your specific needs. We want your experience to be as smooth and helpful as possible!
We understand that you value and protect your privacy. We want to ensure you have a clear view on your rights to privacy and how we use your information. Learn more about our privacy policies below