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    16 Things I Wish I Knew Before Having A Baby

    16 Things I Wish I Knew Before Having A Baby


    16 thinks I wish I knew before my last baby:

    1. How to multitask.
    2. Breast feeding is hard and it doesn’t make you a bad mother if it is a struggle.
    3. To say “I want my baby back” when someone else is holding baby.
    4. You’re better than you think you are. Being a new or veteran mom is hard work. You’re doing great!
      "You're better than you think you are. And on those days when you feel like you lost your temper, you are still their world. Tomorrow is another day, keep at it and one day you will see your little miracles surprise you with their unconditional love because they felt your unconditional love.” – Virginia R.
    5. Take pictures, LOTS of picture. Every first moment from the hospital to home.
    6. Labor is totally different than you think it will be. Have a birth plan, but be flexible.
    7. Ask for help before you are completely exhausted. It's ok. 
    8. Take time to write memories down. Time goes by way to fast.
    9. Cleaning up after your toddler can wait, enjoy the newborn moments.
    10. Sleep!
    11. Be patient with yourself postpartum. It takes time and rest to get back to full strength.
    12. Write down you birth plan. This way the delivery will go the way you want it to.
    13. You don’t have to buy expensive bow glue for those cute bows. Karo syrup works perfect.
    14. How emotional it makes you, even when both of us made the decision to be done with our family of 6.
    15. That even though you thought you would be fine, not being "fine" is ok! Just remember each phase will be fun and the baby phase was just the beginning.
    16. Don’t worry about what other people say. Do the best you can and you’ll be amazing!
    17. How much my heart would swell. I didn't know how much I could love.
    "Spend all the time I want with just the three of us in the hospital before allowing visitors in. It's important to make sure you acknowledge your new family and take the time you need.” Shelly W.

    What would you add to the list? Share your experience with our community of moms at