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Health 360

    5 tips to help you cope with daylight savings

    5 tips to help you cope with daylight savings

    5 tips for better sleep

    1. Start early. You can adjust one of your clocks at the beginning of the weekend and try to eat meals, sleep and wake according to the clock. That way when the workweek comes around, you’ll already be adjusted. Another way to get an early start is to adjust your clocks forward fifteen minutes each day, four days leading up to the actual time change. This will allow you and your kids to ease into the time change.
    2. Exercise. One of the many benefits of exercise is serotonin, a chemical released in the brain as we work out that helps our bodies adjust, and boosts our energy. Taking the time to exercise can make your body more able to adjust to the time. NOTE: Don’t exercise too late as it may make it harder for you to calm down and fall asleep.
    3. Don’t drink alcohol. Alcohol interferes with sleeping cycles so avoid it leading up to and a few days after the time changes.
    4. Don’t eat too late. Because of the time change, you may want to eat later, but be careful. A heavy meal in your stomach can interfere with your sleep.
    5. Adjust your surroundings. The correct combination of darkness and light can help you adjust to your new schedule. In the morning, open your blinds and turn on the lights. At night, shut your blinds and dim the lights so your body knows it’s time to wind down. 

    If it has been a couple weeks after the time change and you’re still having trouble sleeping, it might be wise to contact your physician.​