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    Making The Choice to Breastfeed

    Making The Choice to Breastfeed

    Guide to breastfeeding
    1. Be well informed
    • Take advantage of breastfeeding resources
    • Read recommended books on breastfeeding
    • Take a prenatal breastfeeding class
    • Understand the benefits for both yourself and baby
    • Be proactive and learn how make breastfeeding more successful
    • Gain an understanding of how the breast works and the basic principles of milk production
    • Don’t let other influence your decision
    • Be careful not to associate other women’s problems with breastfeeding yourself
    • Don’t become overwhelmed by too many “advice givers.” What worked for them, may not work for you and your baby.
    2.Talk to your healthcare provider about your decision to breastfeed. Include your decision to breastfeed in your birth plan and whether or not you want to withhold pacifiers and bottles. 
    3.Contact a lactation consultant. They can answer questions and listen to your concerns about breastfeeding. 
    4. Build a support system. A strong support system will help you be more successful. A mother, friend, or potentially another nursing mother can help with encouragement and someone to listen to you. 
     5.Be anticipatory and prepared to breastfeed. For example: breastfeeding bras, creams, and research different breast pumps to consider buying to help meet your needs along the way. 
    Ultimately, do your best to keep from becoming discouraged. Breastfeeding can be a challenge and everyone has a different experience, even child to child. Take time to learn the benefits and be sure to speak with a lactation consultant whenever you have concerns.
    For more information read Intermountain Healtcare's Guide to Breastfeeding.