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    After Work Meal Idea

    After Work Meal Idea

    It’s at Farmer’s Markets, brought in by the buckets to workplaces and left for people to take, given away by neighbors, etc. My own counter is usually covered with them and it is a daily battle to keep up with them and not let them go to waste. 

    One of my favorite ways to use zucchini that is also healthy is the Zucchini, Black Bean and Rice Skillet. It’s very quick to make, tasty, filling, and low in calories. This recipe has been slightly adapted from 

    1 tablespoon Canola Oil
    1 1/2 cup quartered and sliced zucchini. 
    ½ cup diced green bell pepper
    1 can black beans, drained and rinsed
    1 can Fire Roasted Diced Tomatoes with Garlic, undrained.
    ¾ cup water
    1 cup instant white rice, uncooked
    ½ cup shredded Cheddar and Monterey Jack Cheese blend

    Heat oil in large skillet over medium heat. Add zucchini and bell pepper, cook 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add beans, undrained tomatoes and water. Increase heat and bring to a boil. Add rice; stir will. Cover; removed from heat and let stand 7 minutes or until liquid is absorbed. Sprinkle with cheese.
    Note: For a healthier twist, try cooking brown rice separately and omitting the water from the recipe. Once the vegetables are cooked and boiling with the beans and tomatoes, add the already cooked rice and mix well. The cheese can also be eliminated for even less calories.  Other options include adding chicken and extra spices for a little more “kick”. 

    For other healthy recipe ideas​ visit Intermountain LiVe Well for delicious meal ideas for the whole family.