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    Choosing a Pediatrician Before You Have Your Baby

    Choosing a Pediatrician Before You Have Your Baby

    pediatric doc 700
    Here are some reasons why choosing a pediatrician before your child is born i​s a good idea:

    • The baby's first exam will take place immediately after birth, so you might want to choose a pediatrician who practices at the hospital where your baby will be born.
    • You will probably see your pediatrician more the first year of your baby's life than at any other time.
    • Your pediatrician is also an expert on general child health and a valuable resource for other baby issues.
    • Most pediatricians will provide you with information sheets that cover the most common concerns such as growth, soft spots on the baby's head, ears, nutrition, eyes, and other general health issues.
    • Early pediatrician appointments are critical for your newborn to determine if there are any abnormalities or unusual health issues.
    Choosing the right pediatrician is a very important decision for both you and your new baby. A pediatrician can help you with the many choices you are faced with as a new parent – such as breastfeeding, parenting style, and using antibiotics, etc. Most importantly, choose a pediatrician with whom you feel comfortable and one that is conveniently accessible to both you and your baby.
