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    May Research Colloquium Next Week!

    May Research Colloquium Next Week!


    The next lecture in our Research Colloquia series is next week on Tuesday, May 27. And the good news is, you can attend virtually or in person!

    The Office of Research is hosting a free workshop titled “Clinical Implementation of Cancer Genomics” that will be presented by Lincoln Nadauld, MD, an oncologist from the Intermountain Southwest Regional Cancer Clinic, on Tuesday, May 27, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in Intermountain Medical Center’s Doty Family Education Center west auditorium. 

    Everyone who’s interested is invited — and you can attend either in person or online. To attend in person, send an email by tomorrow, Friday, May 23, to Bonnie Ruiz, and she’ll order lunch for you. (And if you’ve previously RSVPed to be there but now want to attend online, please let her know.) 

    To access the conference digitally, just click here on May 27 at 11:30 a.m.

    Also...don't miss the remaining 2014 RESEARCH COLLOQUIA SCHEDULE:

    • July 22: Alan Morris, MD
    • Sept. 23: R. Scott Evans, MS, PhD
    • Nov. 23: Eddie Stenehjem, MD