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    Heart-healthy Recipe: Ginger Lime Chicken Skewers

    Heart-healthy Recipe: Ginger Lime Chicken Skewers


    I've shared this recipe with the 15 Utah moms I am working with as part of the Intermountain Medical Center Heart Institute's My Heart Challenge: Moms Edition and invite you to try this recipe as well. 


    • 2 boneless skinless chicken breasts (cut lengthwise into three strips)
    • NOTE: You can also use chicken tenders
    • For the marinade:
    • 1 T canola oil
    • 1/2 t crushed red pepper flakes
    • 2 T soy sauce
    • 1 t fresh ginger (minced)
    • 1 clove garlic (minced)
    • lime juice (1 lime)


    1. Place a wooden (or metal) skewer through each chicken strip. Place on a plate or in a plastic container.
    2. Whisk all marinade ingredients together and pour over chicken skewers.
    3. Cover and refrigerate chicken for 1-2 hours.
    4. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
    5. Roast chicken skewers until cooked through (roughly 15 minutes). Grilling is also a great option.