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    Meet the Matthews family - A My Heart Challenge: Family Edition Competitor

    Meet the Matthews family - A My Heart Challenge: Family Edition Competitor


    Hi we are the Matthews family, and we are participating in the Family Edition of the My Heart Challenge! We are participating in the challenge this year to not only get healthier in general, but to make all of our hearts strong so that we will be able to keep up with each other for years to come.

    We are motivated to participate in the challenge because we do have a family history of health problems that we would rather avoid. We also want to keep Amelia healthy so that her kidney transplant can last as long as possible.  We are hoping to break the current Guinness record for the duration of a kidney transplant that is currently at 43 years.

    Here's a little bit about each of us in our little family: 

    Justin the Stay at Home Dad that is looking forward to getting to the mountains this summer and out-hiking, and out-fishing, all of the kids.

    Brenda the a hard working Registered Nurse that is enjoying being outdoors and active with the family.  And is also Super Mom.

    Leatha, 15, is looking forward to starting high school next year and has some very interesting teenage insights about the challenge on her microblog.

    Cameron, 13, is loving spending time away from the TV or computer and getting outside with the family after dinner.

    Amelia, 10 (7 with a new kidney), is having a great time learning tennis and now has her own racquet.

    Tristan, 5, is loving the outdoors and playing at the parks.  He has his own unique insights from the mind of a 5 year old on his microblog.

    Please join us on our journey with the My Heart Challenge on our family blog

    .  We are posting weekly updates for the whole family and each of us is writing about our experiences in microblogs, which are also on our family blog.