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    Dr. Harrison Speaks on Potential ACA Repeal to Becker's

    Dr. Harrison Speaks on Potential ACA Repeal to Becker's


    The question of repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, or reforming the current form has led to increased discussions and brought more questions.

    The Becker’s Hospital Review brought some of these questions to Intermountain’s President and CEO, Dr. A. Marc Harrison. The online publication wanted to know what the feelings were if the ACA is repealed and replaced, how Intermountain is preparing for a repeal, and his thoughts on the future of American healthcare.

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    Dr. Harrison said his top matter of interest with the talk of repealing the ACA is with maintaining that no one loses their coverage.

    “My biggest concern is less about keeping the exact same structure of the ACA than it is about making sure people don't get ejected into a no-coverage environment. My worry is that lawmakers will prematurely jettison the ACA without an adequate replacement,” Harrison said in the article.

    The thought-provoking conversation looked at the potential pros and cons for patients, for healthcare systems, and for the US government.

    “I've certainly had a couple of nights where I've stayed up thinking about this. But I think the wisest course for us is to stick to focusing on value and being extraordinarily thoughtful about how we deploy resources,” Harrison said in the article.

    Read the entire article at Becker’s Hospital Review website.