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Health 360

    3 Gadgets to Help You Live Well

    3 Gadgets to Help You Live Well


    Many of the devices we saw catered to people who already lead very active lifestyles. We would like to see more efforts geared to those who're just getting started. Still, we found a few devices we thought were interesting:


    1. Improve running technique: A couple of devices stuck out to us in this space: Sensoria and iFit. Both of these companies offered opportunities to improve running technique. Sensoria in the form of a sensor-laced sock and iFit in a shoe with sensors built into the sole. With these devices a runner can review their unique gait and stride to make personalized changes.


    2. Spun (pronounced spoon) is not only an interesting play on words, but an interesting product. Spun is an app you take a picture of the food you're going to consume and then enjoy your meal with the spoons and/or fork. Using the utensils, based on gesture technologies, Spun measures food intake and totals food consumed to help you keep on track with your weight management goals. 


    3. Carrying health tracking data to other areas of day: iFit offered an interesting solution that begins to merge products together. It begins with the tracker in the Altra shoe. The data is brought into the wrist tracker, which is then integrated with your mattress. The mattress takes into account your sleeping patterns and sleep quality to automatically adjust position - think Sleep Number - for a better night's rest.


    This is particularly interesting because many of the trackers are only accomplishing one task. This means you need multiple devices to measure all aspects of your health. Evaluating activity is a great start, but what does your total health look like? Wearables have come a long way, but there is still a lot of opportunity yet to be uncovered.