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    5 Things I Wish I Knew as a First Time Mom

    5 Things I Wish I Knew as a First Time Mom


    #1. There’s no need for perfection.

    As much as you want to be perfect, you’ll never be a perfect mom. You can strive to be a better mom than you were the day before, but do not try to be perfect. If you can get it out of your mindset now that there is no need for perfection, you will be on the right track.

    #2. Time moves so quickly.

    As a first time mom, I thought I had all of the time in the world. This is not true! You will blink one day and your “baby” will be in kindergarten. If there was something I wish I knew as a first time mom, it was that time moves so quickly. Truly, it is important to cherish each moment.

    #3. To each mom her own.

    It is so easy to get caught up in what other moms are doing. It’s vital to be focused on what you are doing with your own child. Maybe formula feeding is working for you or baby wearing has been your life saver, awesome. Cheer other moms on for doing what works for them and you focus on doing what works for you!

    #4. It’s okay to vent to others.

    There is a cliché that moms need to have it all together all of the time. You will be a much better mom when you take the time to vent to others. It amazes me how much better I feel after a coffee vent session with another mom. Even being able to relate to another mom will be a true soul saver for any first time mom.

    #5. Sleep will eventually come.

    When you first have that newborn, it truly feels as though you will never get a full night’s sleep again. While your baby will eventually sleep through the night, it is hard to realize this as a first time mom. Just keep on doing your best as a mom and realize that soon, those sleepless nights will be over. Okay, maybe not completely sleepless, but close! What can I say? Each kid goes through weird sleeping patterns, which is where you learn to roll with the punches.

    As a first time mom, you should never feel inferior. You will gain experience as you spend more time being a mom. The best thing you can do is be the best mom for your child.

    What is one thing you wish you knew as a first time mom? Have more questions? Stop by our Intermountain Mom's Facebook page and join the conversation!

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