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Health 360

    5 Tips for a Healthier Thanksgiving

    5 Tips for a Healthier Thanksgiving

    1. Don’t skip breakfast.  Extreme hunger often leads to overeating. Be sure to include whole grains, fresh fruit, and/or low fat dairy at your breakfast meal. These are foods that might not be included in your Thanksgiving feast.
    2. Control your nibbling.  Whether you're the cook or a supportive observer, we all like to sample things during the cooking process. But beware, a taste here and a bite there can really add up! Play it safe and snack on vegetables as you cook or chew a piece of gum to keep from mindlessly putting things in your mouth.
    3. Give your favorite traditional Thanksgiving dishes a healthy makeover. Try roasted sweet potatoes with apple cider glaze instead of sweet potato casserole. Don’t bother to peel your potatoes before you mash them. Go easy on the butter. Choose whole grain rolls, and top your green bean casserole with whole grain cereal instead of fried onions. 
    4. Assess your options before filling your plate.  Often times, Thanksgiving dinner is served family style. To keep your portions in check and prevent your plate from overflowing, look over all of the options before you start to dish up. Identify options you can do without, things you just need to taste, and what you want a reasonable portion of. And make at least half your plate full of vegetables.
    5. Eat slowly and savor every bite.  Enjoyable tastes, textures, and smells are an important part of the eating experience. It’s hard to recognize you’re full if you don’t take time to experience and savor your food. Take a couple seconds to think about how each bite tastes and you might find yourself feeling satisfied before you clean your plate. The extra time you take to savor your food will also help you recognize your fullness before you reach the uncomfortable stage.