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Health 360

    5 Ways to Reward Yourself Without Food

    5 Ways to Reward Yourself Without Food

    How do you balance the desire to “treat yo’ self” with your health goals? Here are five ideas to help you get all the rewards without the risk.

    Here are five ideas to help you get all the rewards without the risk.

    1. Buy new workout clothes. It’s no secret that feeling good about how you look can raise your spirits. So buy something cute and rock it during your next sweat session.
    2. Take a nap. It can be hard to take time for yourself, but a little extra shuteye is a great reward. It will rejuvenate you and best of all, it’s free.
    3. Give yourself permission to say no. We all have tasks or obligations we feel we should do, even though our hearts aren’t in it. Give yourself a pass on something you’re dreading, and do something for you instead. That’s a great reward.
    4. Schedule some alone time.Family, friends, work, school, there’s always something to do, and too little time to do it. Having a few minutes to yourself to do some deep breathing or take a walk will help you relax and give you more energy for the tasks ahead.
    5. Pay yourself for good habits. Did you have a salad for lunch? Spend time at the gym? Get 8 hours of sleep last night? Put a dollar in a jar to reward yourself for your efforts. When you reach $100 (or whatever amount you choose) splurge on something you’ve been eyeing.

    Getting into the habit of rewarding yourself without food will help your heart health,” says Jane Fox, Director of Cardiovascular Services at Utah Valley Hospital. “When we use food as a reward, we often make poor choices. No one treats themselves with broccoli; we reach for the sugary, fatty foods that do the most damage to our long term health.”

    Using alternative methods to reward yourself will pay big dividends for your health, and it sets a great example for others. How do you reward yourself? Share in the comments!