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    7 Healthcare Misconceptions

    7 Healthcare Misconceptions

    Healthcare Misconception blog

    Here are 7 misconceptions that have found purchase in many leaders’ minds, and what we think about them:

    1: The future of healthcare is bleak. Reality: We now have an unparalleled opportunity to make healthcare better for the people we serve and to make it better for the people who choose this noble profession.

    The healthcare industry is already equipped with the right tools — the expertise, people and technology. All it lacks is the confidence required to confront a big challenge. Everyone involved in healthcare has a demanding and stressful job. But when you go home, tired and spent and stressed out, ask yourself, “What would I rather be doing?” – Charles W. Sorenson, President Emeritus, Intermountain Healthcare

    2. Artificial intelligence and machine leaning will take away jobs: Reality: These technology tools will not replace clinicians, however they will augment and extend their capabilities - similar to the way in which a smartphone extends our capabilities in work and everyday life. Artificial intelligence is going to have an increasing role in the future of healthcare and the next two years will see a flood of valuable use cases that will help manage the tsunami of data coming our way. There is nothing to fear. – Brian Ahier (@ahier)

    3. The change in leadership in Washington will result in health reform efforts, the move to value based care delivery, and quality payment programs are going to die. Reality: While there will certainly be a shift in the regulatory approach and the efforts will be primarily private market led, this movement will continue to accelerate and there will be significant opportunity to entrepreneurs and innovators to bring solutions to market. – Brian Ahier (@ahier)

    4. Blockchain technologies will present huge risks for healthcare. Reality: Blockchain technologies aren’t a magic wand to solve all of our healthcare problems, but they’re an important new information technology with a wide array of applications within the industry and 2017 will be the start of deployment for blockchain technology in healthcare. This is not a passing fad and will have a massive impact ultimately on all of our lives. – Brian Ahier (@ahier)

    5. You can’t have a disciplined process for innovation. Reality: In medicine we think in terms of the scientific method, which is a process of learning. That discipline can also aid in innovation because most innovation is based on assumptions in many areas of its value proposition and business model.  In addition, using a method that is similar to the language used by the operating engine will help innovators bridge the communication divide between the innovation engine and operating engine. – Todd Dunn, (@TToddDunn) Director of Innovation – Information Systems, Intermountain Healthcare

    6. Senior will be slow to adopt digital health technology. Reality: And, that's just not the case. Whether, we're looking at user numbers for PokemonGo players, or patients using their iPads to have a video visit with their physician, the data is clear. Survey after survey shows that seniors are either using digital health tech or, that they want to use it to stay connected to their healthcare providers. It's a wonderful time to be experiencing the evolution of wellness and the power of connection that's bringing generations together. Nick Adkins (@nickisnpdx)

    7. Healthcare Cybersecurity is an I.T. Problem. Reality: In the past, decisions about cybersecurity were largely made in the data center, but today those decisions are more often guided by board expectations and overall risk tolerance. As the industry continues to look for ways to increase access to safe, quality care, technology will be a major player. That’s why it’s important for healthcare CIOs and CISOs to educate other executives, employees, and consumers about the importance of a sound cybersecurity strategy that monitors, detects, and mitigates the risk of cyberattack. Cybersecurity is a collaborative effort that involves IT, the business, the patient, caregivers, and the government. – Marc Probst (@Probst_Marc), CIO, Intermountain Healthcare

    Bonus: Marc Harrison, MD, President and CEO of Intermountain Healthcare takes a look 2017 and the challenges ahead, but reassures “these are good times for healthcare.”