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    9 Time-Saving Tips to Prepare for Each Morning

    9 Time-Saving Tips to Prepare for Each Morning

    9 Time-Saving Tips to Prepare for Each Morning

    Let’s face it, some of us are morning people and some of us aren’t. But even if you’re the kind of person who always wakes up on the right side of the bed, you’ll probably agree that there’s never enough time in the morning. Well wakey wakey, eggs and bakey — we’ve gathered a few easy-to-follow tips to get the most out of each morning.

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    1: Prep coffee.

    Everything’s easier with coffee. So preset your machine or set up your French press/pour over the night before.

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    2: And a quick breakfast to go.

    Make your own oatmeal mix or gather ingredients for an instant smoothie the next day.

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    3: Pack leftovers for lunch.

    Leftovers are an unsung hero. Combine them with undressed salads and whatever else you’d like to eat the next day, and boom! Instant lunches.

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    4: Check the forecast.

    Look to the skies! Knowing the weather a day (or even a week) ahead of time can help you plan your day like a true pro.

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    5:  Pick out clothes for tomorrow.

    Choosing clothes in a groggy morning haze can result in backward shirts and bad outfits. Avoid the hassle and lay out your outfit before going to bed.

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    6: Create a to-do list.

    It’s easier to knock things off your list when you actually have one. Prioritize. Complete. Sleep easier.

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    7: Give your stuff a home.

    Create order from chaos. Always leave your keys, wallet, phone and bag in the same place, and put kids’ backpacks in the car the night before.

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    8: Create a morning playlist.

    Queue up, then turn it up! An energetic playlist for the morning can get you out of bed and add some pep to your routine.

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    9: Go be your best self.

    Follow these tips and you’re bound to have a smooth and productive morning!