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    9 Ways to Celebrate the Holidays in the Hospital

    9 Ways to Celebrate the Holidays in the Hospital


    As the holidays quickly approach, figuring out how to keep old traditions alive while your little one is in the hospital can be tricky. This time can still be celebrated! It's OK to accept things may be different. Here are nine ways to celebrate the holidays in the hospital.

    1. Christmas Tree. Have a family member bring in a small tree to make it feel more like home. If your child is up for it, make decorations and let them decorate it just the way they want it. Make it theirs! 

    2. Lights. Light up a hospital room with a simple strand of lights such as icicles or traditional multicolored ones. 

    3. Christmas Music. What better way to bring in Christmas cheer, than with some classic songs. Be aware of others around you and the noise level. If your child is up for it, go caroling to neighboring patients! 

    4. Christmas Movie. Many hospital rooms have a DVD player. Have a stash of your favorite movies nearby.

    5. Trundle Bed Sleepover. Check with hospital staff, but many times one or two family members are allowed to stay overnight. Ask for a trundle bed and have a sleepover!

    6. Scentsy. Smells have a way of comforting us. Have a friend gather your favorite smells in wax form! Get a warmer and make it smell like your grandma’s homemade cookies or a fresh Christmas tree. Be aware of any hospital regulations as candles are not permitted.

    7. Handwritten Notes. Nothing brings more joy than a handwritten note from a loved one. If a family member can’t visit, have them write a “Thinking of You” card to your child.

    8. Open Presents. Save opening presents until family can do it together at the hospital! This allows the patient to be included in the fun.

    9. Keep on Giving. The hospital staff works hard over the holidays. Many are away from their families to serve. Give a simple gift or letter to nurse or doctor to show appreciation and brighten their day!

    Did we miss any? Leave a comment below and share your favorite traditions. Happy holidays from Intermountain Healthcare!