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    Better Nutrition to Better Health

    Better Nutrition to Better Health

    Fruit 20Rainbow

    Do you remember the old phrase “You are what you eat?” We might not be what we eat, but we can actually feel like it. As it turns out, researchers at NYU note that after a high fat meal, our bodies actually run more sluggish and less efficiently than after a healthy meal. This research has been supported by other governing nutrition organizations, as well. The World Health Organization reports that “the diets people eat, in all their cultural variety, define to a large extent, people’s health, growth, and development.”

    At the LiVe Well Center, our entire team of professionals is continually reinforcing the importance of good nutrition. To achieve this, one really has to plan ahead. This entails shopping for healthier food choices to keep on hand, including more vegetables and less processed items.

    Some easy tips include:

    • Eating breakfast before you leave your home
    • Making a lunch to take along
    • Having a snack if there is a big gap between meals
    • Recognizing stress, hunger or emotional eating

    Also, a diet that is high in fiber and balanced with lean proteins, fruit and vegetables, low fat dairy and whole grains can lead to a healthier you.

    To find more resources on better nutrition, visit Intermountain Healthcare Nutrition Services.