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    Coloring Books Aren't Just for the Grandkids

    Coloring Books Aren't Just for the Grandkids

    Coloring Books Aren't Just for the Grandkids

    More and more adults are embracing new ways to relax and let their minds wander. But sometimes the best ways to de-stress come from looking back a couple generations. Children can unabashedly kick back and cultivate their imaginations, so why can't you? Coloring books have come to the adult market in a big way, and there's no shortage of options to escape reality for a bit by coloring inside (or outside) the lines. Everyone has their favorite subject, so here are seven unique options to delight the inner child and artist inside of you.

    1. Stress-Relieving Patterns

    This best-selling book collects a series of basic and intricate geometric shapes for you to fill in at your own leisure. From paisley patterns to marker-ready mandalas, this collection features a nice smattering of calming shapes that are just as pleasing to color as they are to ogle over.

    Find it here.

    2. Enchanted Forest

    Enter a world of majestic forest-dwelling animals (and just a sprinkle of magic). Beautifully illustrated with a playful eye for whimsy, this collected work of art will keep you entranced in hidden shapes, nature scenes and even a couple mazes.

    Find it here.

    3. Coloring App (Lake)

    Welcome to the 21st century — coloring isn't just for paper anymore! If you're the type who prefers tablets to newspapers in the mornings, then Lake is for you. Caveat: There is a free trial and premium version, but this app allows you to fill in gorgeous illustrations from real artists all around the world.

    Find it here.

    4. Mandalas

    Inspired by Hindu and Buddhist symbolism, this book collects a whole lotta mandalas for you to “color your way to calm.” As an added bonus, a built-in storage case offers 24 colored pencils and a sharpener so you're ready to take your inner zen with you wherever you go.

    Find it here.

    5. Sassy Phrases

    Wouldn't it be kinda nice to color and vent at the same time? This humorous take on coloring will have you filling in fun patterns, and nodding to fun phrases like “My lack of inner peace is stressing me out.” Why complain when you can have your book do it for you?

    Find it here.

    6. Food

    Feeling unreasonably snacky? Here's a tip: coloring is guilt-free! With 30 artfully designed dishes, you'll quickly fill up on this brain food. Whether you're culinary inclined or not, this collection is just fun to fill out. And the best part? You don't have to worry about any allergies.

    Find it here.

    7. Architecture

    Maybe you have a penchant for pillars or adore architecture in all its glory. From aerial illustrations to labyrinthine street views, this book has it all. Flex your creative muscles in global cities like Tokyo and Paris, or venture outside of reality to imagined cityscapes — this is your world! 

    Find it here.

    So the next time you feel like winding down and tuning out for a while, consider picking up some colored pencils or a paintbrush. There's nothing wrong with treating yourself to a healthy dose of childlike wonder. You might be surprised how much brighter your world gets once you add a little color to it.