Disclaimer: Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise program.
Welcome back! Now that you’re all limbered up, we are here with the next set of moves to get you mountain strong. For those of you who missed part one, it’s all about mobility. See the moves here.
Before we dive right in, let’s get a few things out of the way first:
- Listen to your body. No training program will prevent an injury if you refuse to listen to your body. Skiing/snowboarding through fatigue is asking for an injury. Instead, remember this principle: You must be stronger than what your activity requires (this is true for most sports, by the way, not just winter ones). Many injuries occur when a fatigued skier loses form and the ability to react to the terrain appropriately. Bottom line: Even though we’re training you to be able to ski all day, it’s definitely OK to take a break. (P.s. The lodges have hot chocolate and cookies.)
- Embrace the Sore. A little preseason soreness with an effective training program is much more beneficial than a shortened powder day from early onset fatigue. Performing these moves consistently plus cardio might make you sore. Keep at it — you’ll thank us later!
- Pain ≠ Soreness. Know the difference. Consult a physician. Skiing through pain is a no-go, no matter what. And the first step is a firm diagnosis of where that pain is originating. Tendonitis, shin splints, soreness, nerve pinching. All very real forms of pain. All require a totally different treatment plan. Soreness is the only type of acceptable pain around here. We recommend foam rolling or a light walk/jog to release the lactic acid build up. Otherwise, consult your physician so you can fix the root cause and get back to the slopes stronger than ever.
Build That Strength
Abduction/Hip Rotation
- Loop a resistance band above both knees. Stand in athletic position: knees slightly bent with your feet slightly more than hip-width apart to create tension in the band.
- Shift weight onto your right leg and flex both glutes.
- Lift onto the ball of your left toe and rotate your left knee outward. Pause for 1 second.
- Rotate your knee inward, keeping tension on the band and keeping both glutes flexed.
- That’s one rep. Repeat 15-20 times per side.
Note: This is a small movement, more like a pulse. You may not feel anything at first, but trust us — you’ll feel the burn after about 20 reps. You can use this move to strengthen your glutes or to wake them up at the beginning of every workout.
Side Plank Adduction With Box
- Find a box, stair or bench — anything roughly 18-24 inches is perfect.
- Lie on the ground on your right side, supporting your body weight on your bent elbow directly under your shoulder. Place your forearm perpendicular to your body.
- Place the inside of your left (top) foot on top of the box.
- Drive your hips up by pushing your left foot down onto the box to form a straight line with your body from head to toe. Hold this plank by tightening your abs, glutes and quads.
- Lift your bottom (right) foot to tap the inside “lid” of the box.
- Repeat eight to 12 times on each side.
Note: You can lift your top arm all the way up to the sky, as shown, or place it on your hip to keep your whole body aligned.
Tip: This is an advanced move. To increase or decrease the intensity, rest more or less of your whole shin/calf on the box.
BOSU Isometric Squat With Medicine Ball Wood Chop
- Place the BOSU on the ground, flat side up.
- With a medicine ball in both hands, step onto the BOSU (however you like to get there) with your feet hip-width apart.
- Squat low and hold for 3 seconds. Keep your chest and eyes up; press the medicine ball between both palms.
- Tighten your glutes to stand and push your hips all the way forward.
- Now comes the woodchop:
- As you stand, keep the medicine ball low to the left.
- With a slight bend in your arms, reach across your body all the way up high and to the right.
- That’s one rep. Squat again with a wood chop on the other side, from low right to high left.
- Do 8-10 reps on each side.
Note: If the wood chop or extra weight doesn’t feel right, just squat and hold. Do 15-20 total reps.
Single-Leg Pistol Squat (Optional Kettlebell)
- Stand right in front of a bench, box or other low object.
- Extend one leg into the air, flex your toes back toward your nose as much as possible.
- Bend your planted knee and sit all the way back to slowly lower yourself on the object. (You might wobble on the way down the first bunch of times — this is fine.)
- Squeeze your abs and glutes — and your whole body — as you reach your arms out in front and pitch yourself forward to get up. That’s one rep.
- Repeat 8-10 times per side.
Note: If you’re feeling really enthusiastic, try adding a kettlebell to your pistol squats. Holding it with both hands at your chest or lift it up with one arm, extend overhead. Of course, over time, you can also try to squat onto a lower object — or no object at all.
Speed It Up
BOSU Skater Hop
- Place the BOSU flat up against a wall, round side up.
- Step back a few feet.
- Push off with your outside foot to jump onto the BOSU, landing on the center with your opposite leg.
- From the top, push into the opposite foot to land back in starting position on one foot.
- Control the landing by clenching your glutes and hold the position for a few seconds before jumping back onto the BOSU.
- Perform 10-15 times on each side.
- Optional: Hold a six- to 12-pound medicine ball and combine the BOSU jump with a core rotation to get some bonus ab work. :)
Note: This move is about speed and agility, and it’s designed to get your heart rate up. So if you’re breathing hard, you’re doing it right.
And that’s a wrap. Try this for a few weeks and let us know how you’re feeling. Ready to shred? And of course, send us your pics from the first glorious pow day.