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    Emergency Kit for Your Car This Winter?

    Emergency Kit for Your Car This Winter?

    Emergency Kit for Your Car This Winter

    If you’re like most people, you probably don’t have things in your car to help with possible cold weather accidents or road problems. Having car issues or getting into an accident in winter conditions could mean spending hours in the cold dealing with the problem.

    To help better manage this type of situation, take time to build an emergency kit for your car. It doesn’t take much to be prepared. Here are some tips.

    Car emergency kit supplies

    Not sure what you’ll need for your car’s emergency kit? Start with a few of these items:

    • A clear plastic container with a secure lid
    • Small fire extinguisher
    • A first aid kit that includes:
      • Sunscreen
      • Bug spray
      • Hand sanitizer
      • Band aids
      • Antibiotic ointment
      • Antiseptic
      • Tweezers
      • Cotton balls
      • Gauze
      • Ace bandage
      • Over the counter pain medication such as aspirin
    • Jumper cables
    • Road flares
    • Duct tape
    • Drinking water and snacks (non-perishable)
    • Baby wipes
    • Rain poncho
    • Blankets and/or coat
    • Windshield scraper and shovel
    • Kitty litter for icy roads
    • Fluids like oil, antifreeze, and brake fluid (optional)
    • Multitool
    • Tarp
    • Spare tire and tire changing tools
    • Cash (less than $100)
    • Cell phone car charger
    • Deck of cards (or other non-electronic entertainment)
    • Family specific needs (medication, pet food, diapers, etc.)
    • Tiolet paper and sanitary items
    • Flashlight and extra batteries
    • Battery powered fan
    • Hand and foot warmers
    • List of items included in your emergency car kit, taped to the side or lid of your container

    Tips on pre-assembled kits

    It’s great to have an emergency kit for your car. But, maybe you don’t have the time or money to gather dozens of items you may or may not use in the future. Pre-assembled emergency kits are a good starting place for drivers who don’t have a lot of time or money. Remember, however, that pre-assembled kits won’t always have everything you might need. Especially for winter. You’ll need to add extras like climate specific necessities (blankets!), and family specific necessities (diapers or snacks). No matter what you do, don’t just buy a pre-assembled emergency kit and stash it in your car. Take the time to go through the kit so you’re acquainted with what’s inside.

    Don’t get caught without a proper emergency kit in your car this winter. Already have an emergency kit? Revisit it to make sure your supplies are still applicable and usable.