Earlier this year, several French national healthcare system officials visited with Intermountain leadership in for several days, sharing vision, ideas, and initiatives for mutual improvement. Reporters from Le Point magazine (a publication similar to the U.S.’ Time Magazine) came along to cover the visit and recently published a very complimentary story about Intermountain.
After a brief description of Intermountain, the Le Point reporters discussed how the U.S. strives for high quality healthcare, yet struggles with to meet that goal.
Enter Intermountain and our leadership in transforming healthcare from quantity to quality. Described as a surgeon and cancer specialist, with a degree in statistics and one of the most influential doctors in the U.S., Brent James, MD, Intermountain’s Chief Quality Officer is quoted by Le Point as saying “Our success is counted in human lives.”
Le Point notes that Utah’s healthcare expenses are about 12 percent of the GDP – levels similar to France – compared to 16.4 percent for the rest of the United States. Life expectancy is also greater in Utah than the U.S. national average. Le Point attributes this to Intermountain and its efforts.
RELATED: Collaboration on the Rise Between Utah and France Healthcare Systems
Le Point says Intermountain continues to improve quality, explaining that since 2009, Intermountain has worked collaboratively with the High Value Healthcare Collaborative, a group of 13 health systems with over 70 million members collectively. Le Point also describes Intermountain's efforts to use data to establish best practices, the end goal being to evaluate and scrutinize all medical practices for evidence-based, optimal care.