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    Game Day Health Hacks

    Game Day Health Hacks

    Game Day Health Hacks

    Alright, it’s football season, which means game day gatherings galore. You’ve got the big screen set up, the drinks are in the fridge (or cooler depending on your setup) and now it’s time to nail down snacks. Let’s be honest — you’re not out on the field burning up calories, and if you’re planning to throw back a couple cold ones, it’s not a bad idea to set yourself up with some healthier eats. Plus, it’ll offer a refreshing change of pace to the stadium snacks that everyone has come to expect. Here are some tasty alternatives for your game day get-together:

    Mini Corn Dog Bites

    Nothing beats a good ol’ fashioned hot dog during the game, right? Actually, these poppable corn dog bites just might. So grab your mini muffin pan and pick up a pack of high-quality turkey dogs from a brand like Applegate Organics. Next, just follow this recipe for some deliciously dippable eats.

    Portobello Mushroom Burger

    When it’s football season, it’s also grilling season. But instead of going heavy on the red meat, try grilling up something that’s equally tasty and a lot easier on the heart. A nice hearty portobello mushroom is a sensible way to get your burger fix, gives you a reason to grill and won’t give you the meat-sweats. Check out this recipe and feel free to add your own spin on it.

    Crispy Carrot Chips

    Sure, dumping a bag of potato chips in a bowl is an easy way to create a little crunch, but those things are usually chocked full of salt. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a handful of something healthier? With a little slicing and dicing, you can achieve that same level of crispy goodness with some crunchy baked carrot chips

    Fig and Prosciutto Pizza

    Forget the excess grease from your standard pepperoni pizza and go gourmet with a tasty twist on toppings — fig and prosciutto. When you take this classic pairing of sweet and savory, add in some fresh mozzarella and a healthy dose of balsamic vinegar, you’ll forget all about ordering delivery. Here’s a great guide to get your pizza into the oven, and then into your belly.

    Sweet Potato Skins

    Sour cream and bacon bits are a little overplayed, aren’t they? Spice up your potato skins by swapping out the standard russet with a sweet potato. From there, spice it up with some chipotle chicken, sharp white cheddar and greek yogurt for dipping. Plenty of other ingredients can help kick up the flavor, but you’ll have to view the recipe to see for yourself.

    Kale and Artichoke Dip

    No sports-viewing experience is complete without a good dip. Once again, greek yogurt to the rescue! This spin on classic artichoke dip is here to dial down your snack guilt and boost your flavor profile. You’ll even be able to sneak some kale in there without it feeling like you’re forcing health food on your buddies. Find the recipe here.

    Fancy Peanuts and Popcorn

    It’s a simple snack, and even more simple to make on your own. We’re partial to #4 on this list of flavored popcorn recipes, but you could follow any of these options and add in a handful or two of peanuts for an easy and satisfying treat.

    Lid-Flipping Froyo

    Whether you’re celebrating a sweet victory or consoling yourself over a loss, frozen treats are the way to go. In five minutes, you could put together your own frozen yogurt that rivals anything you might find in stores. These recipes offer a variety of flavors to choose from, and it’s impossible to go wrong.

    Now that you have some healthy alternatives in your tool belt, try a few for your next game day gathering and let us know what you think.