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    How Firm a Foundation: Confronting ED

    How Firm a Foundation: Confronting ED

    Confronting Erectile Dysfunction (ED): Steps to Help

    Talking about private things can be difficult for most men, especially if they are health related. Admitting problems to a spouse or doctor can be stressful or embarrassing. Dr. Robert Mehl, a family medicine doctor and program director at the Utah Valley Family Medicine Residency, encourages men experiencing ED to not be ashamed and follow these few steps for help.

    Visit your primary care physician

    The reasons men experience ED vary; high blood pressure, Diabetes or a smoking habit may all have negative effects. It is important to schedule an appointment to talk with your primary care physician as soon as a problem arises. Your primary care physician will help assess your situation and identify the appropriate next steps.

    RELATED POST: Why and When Men Should Go to the Doctor

    Live a healthy lifestyle

    Although ED is more common the older you get, it is best to do what you can to prevent it. Take care of yourself by exercising regularly and losing weight if possible. Do your best to incorporate a healthy diet and refrain from smoking. Dr. Mehl cautions against using herbal supplements found on the market or internet, as these supplements are not approved or evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

    ED can also have a negative effect on men’s psychological well-being.

    “When men have problems with Erectile Dysfunction, issues can potentially snowball,” says Dr. Mehl. “I’ve seen cases where men get upset, or have difficulty with anxiety. It is important to get evaluated before it becomes a larger problem, and affects relationships in different ways.”

    If you haven’t done so already, work to build a relationship with both your spouse and physician, so that you can feel comfortable talking about your health issues when needed.