Health 360

    How Intermountain is Helping to Transforming Healthcare

    How Intermountain is Helping to Transforming Healthcare

    PBS 20Special
    ​On August 20th, Intermountain is opening a new Healthcare Transformation Lab in Salt Lake City, along with partners who themselves have been transformative in the technology industry. The purpose of this lab? Help transform how care is delivered to offer high quality care and sustainable costs.

    The Healthcare Transformation Lab is a new element in Intermountain’s pioneering role in healthcare technology. Under the direction of Marc Probst, chief informatics officer at Intermountain Healthcare and Frederick Holston, Intermountain’s chief technology officer, teams will work to develop innovative solutions that result in better health, better care, and better cost management. The lab's team is dedicated to research and measuring ideas and potential partners. Once ideas are appropriately vetted, the teams will work together to rapidly design, create, and test new technologies.

    At a time of increasing demands on the nation’s healthcare system and decreasing ability for everyone to pay for rising costs, the Healthcare Transformation Lab is developing solutions aimed at a better outcome. The Lab works as a beginning-to-end think tank. From brainstorming ideas, to designing concepts in the Lab, to testing ideas in the simulation rooms, to doing clinical trials in our hospitals and clinics, we push everyone to develop the very best products. This effort is a part of Intermountain Healthcare continual desire to foster a culture of innovation by finding solutions for the future, while continuing to improve the innovations and world-class processes we have already developed.

    Transformation begins with an idea and the Lab looks for ideas everywhere. It is a resource for all 34,000 Intermountain employees—physicians, nurses, customer service teams, etc —who bring with them unique backgrounds, experiences, perspectives, and, of course, ideas. This alignment allows for close collaboration between developers and clinicians while using clinical best practices and de-identified clinical and financial data to test an idea for market viability.

    The Healthcare Transformation Lab is not limited to internal projects, but is actively working with external organizations to find, develop, and bring to market unique solutions to healthcare problems.