Move over designer handbags and trucker hats. Masks are all the rage in 2020. Of course, face coverings and masks are necessary for health and safety — they’re not statements of fashion. But regardless, masks are a high-demand accessory, equal parts must-have and must-wear.
And just like anything else you might don each day, masks need to be washed and properly cared for. After all, no one wants to repurpose the makeup, chapstick, lotions, dead skin cells, and sweat that can all reside in a cloth mask after you wear it.
First, here’s a quick review on how to properly wear a mask. Make sure it:
- Covers your full nose.
- Covers your entire chin.
- Fits snug with no gaps.
- Is made of thick material. (Hold it up to the light. If you can see between the fibers, it’s not a good filter.)
To help prevent the spread of COVID-19, a mask should be worn in all public places and when social distancing isn’t possible. Routine and frequent washing of your masks is recommended. While most of us are trying to stay home more and avoiding public places, sometimes that isn’t possible. If you find yourself wearing your mask more than a few hours total each day, it should be washed before reuse.