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    Intermountain Foundry Entrepreneurs Make a Splash in the Innovation Shark Tank

    Intermountain Foundry Entrepreneurs Make a Splash in the Innovation Shark Tank


    The Intermountain Foundry, which is part of Intermountain Innovations (Business Development) and conducted in collaboration with Healthbox, provides structured support and resources to advance caregiver innovation. The Foundry uses the proprietary, market-tested Healthbox curriculum to help internal Intermountain inventors, innovators, and entrepreneurs determine the commercial viability of their business concepts and scale them throughout Intermountain Healthcare and the broader healthcare industry.

    Through a structured eight-week process, internal Intermountain innovators refine their business concept, validate the market opportunity, identify product development or service needs, and develop a plan for growth including go-to-market strategies and funding needs.

    At the event, the four Foundry innovators presented to a panel of experts in a style similar to the television show Shark Tank. The current Foundry cohort included:

    • Capek Systems: Artificial intelligence and machine learning technology to provide a lower cost and more effective approach to claims processing. Innovator: Jason Beckstead, Solutions Architect at SelectHealth
    • GrooVease: An “always on” tinnitus (ringing in the ears) management device or headset, with the purpose of reducing tinnitus loudness and annoyance. Innovator: Andrew Cobabe, AuD, Audiologist at Budge Clinic
    • LeadSafe: A small, standardized, low-cost device to spool/protect cardiac pacing wires that exit the chest after open-heart surgery. Innovator: Ian Hess, RN, Flight Nurse with Intermountain Life Flight and Registered Nurse at Primary Children’s Hospital
    • Prepared2Perform: A more efficient curriculum and compliance tracking system for employees to reduce education costs and streamline the education system. Innovator: Debra Whipple, RN, Clinical Education Program Coordinator at Primary Children’s Hospital

    Following the panel, the current cohort of innovators joined previous years’ Intermountain Foundry innovators to further showcase their diverse healthcare solutions in a Foundry Innovation Fair. Together, all the solutions featured at the event highlighted the vast amount of internal creativity that exists at Intermountain Healthcare, giving perspective to the meaningful impact that new innovation can have on healthcare delivery. The next steps for the current cohort is to present their business concepts to the Intermountain Innovation Fund Steering Committee and make funding requests.

    All Foundry innovators are selected from a competitive applicant pool. If you are an Intermountain Healthcare or SelectHealth employee and are interested in participating in the Intermountain Foundry program, you can learn more about available opportunities at