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    Lung Cancer Screening: A Proactive Step 

    Lung Cancer Screening: A Proactive Step 

    By the time the last firework pops on New Year’s Eve, nearly 250,000 new cases of lung cancer will have been diagnosed in 2017. Individuals with a history of smoking make up the largest number of these cases. And while lung cancer leads all other cancers in the number of deaths, when caught early and treated effectively survival rates significantly increase.  

    Consistent with our commitment to improving the health of our communities, Intermountain has launched a lung cancer screening initiative to improve lung cancer survival rates by finding the disease at an earlier, more treatable stage.

    Intermountain’s lung cancer screening program is taking a proactive step to find these early cases and make a meaningful difference in the lives of those most at risk. If you smoke or have previously smoked, and you are between the ages of 55 and 77, reach out to your primary care provider to see if you qualify and to schedule a lung cancer screening CT scan with our radiology staff. 

    5 facts about the lung cancer screening program 

    • The program uses a common diagnostic tool — a low-dose technique CT scan — to look for tumors before symptoms begin.
    • Most Intermountain hospitals will offer lung cancer screenings, visit our website to find the hospital nearest you. 
    • Patients must meet specific criteria to be eligible for the lung cancer screening program. 
    • Those who fit the criteria for screening will have the lung screen CT scan at one of the participating hospitals. The scan will be read by a radiologist who will determine and assign a Lung RADS category. The category identifies the probability of lung cancer and ranges from 1 or 2 (low risk), 3 (intermediate risk), and 4A or 4B (high risk).
    • If a scan comes back with a high Lung RADS category, the case is presented to the thoracic tumor board which is comprised of expert surgeons, pulmonologists, medical oncologists and radiation oncologists for next step/treatment recommendations. 

    Who is eligible for lung cancer screening? 

    • Current or former smoker between the ages of 55 and 77.
    • Patients who have smoked the equivalent of one pack of cigarettes a day for at least 30 years. This could be one pack a day for 30 years, or two packs a day for 15 years, etc.  
    • If a former smoker has quit within the last 15 years but meets the 30-packs per year requirement, they are still eligible for screening. 
    • No signs or symptoms of lung cancer.
    • Able to tolerate treatment (surgery, radiation or chemotherapy).
    • Has received counseling and shared decision-making discussion for lung cancer screening.


    For questions and more information call 801-507-3900 and choose the lung cancer screening option.