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    Mind Your Health: Explore Your Mental Wellness

    Mind Your Health: Explore Your Mental Wellness

    Mind Your Health: Explore Your Mental Wellness

    Each year, millions of Americans face the reality of living with a mental illness. Legacy SCL Health, now Intermountain Health, joined the national movement to raise awareness about mental health.

    We know that around half of all people in the U.S. will meet the criteria for a diagnosable mental health condition at some point in their lives. No matter how heavy and complex the world feels – and maybe especially because the world feels quite challenging right now – focusing on our mental health must remain a priority.

    When living with mental health conditions or facing a mental health concern, it’s common to feel like no one understands it. Many people overcome mental health challenges. You aren’t alone, and recovery is possible. Watch below as our experts talk about recognizing warning signs, common symptoms, treatments, and resources to care for mental health conditions.

    What is a mental health condition?

    Key Takeaways: Mental illness is a set of diagnoses established by mental health professionals. There are three principal categories of mental illness, including mood disorders, thought disorders, and trauma-related disorders. It's normal to have periods of feeling up or down, but when these symptoms persist for weeks or months, it may indicate a mental health condition that requires treatment from a mental health professional.

    Is poor mental health the same thing as having a mental health condition?

    Key Takeaways: Poor mental health is not the same as having a mental health condition or illness. Changes in thinking and emotions must be serious enough to affect daily life for weeks or months to be diagnosed as a mental health condition.

    Who needs to look after their mental health?

    Key Takeaways: Everyone needs to take care of their mental health, which is essential for the mind, body, and spirit. Taking care of oneself is critical to prevent poor mental health from worsening, as factors like stress, relationships, and trauma can contribute to it. It's important to practice coping skills during times of good mental health to handle life's challenges better when things do happen.

    What are some of the risk factors for developing a mental health condition?

    Key Takeaway: Risk factors can impact the seriousness of mental health symptoms, their onset, and recovery. Social determinants of health, such as financial stability, education, healthcare access and quality, neighborhood and living environment, and social and community life and support, can all affect mental health. 

    What are some tips to help us deal with a mental health concern?

    Key Takeaway: The stigma around mental health can make it difficult for people to seek help, but it's important to understand that it delays treatment. Admitting that you're struggling and naming your mental health condition is the next step towards getting support. There are screenings available online or getting a diagnosis can help you work through your struggles with the help of peers, professionals, and family. Remember that mental health struggles are common and talking about them can help reduce the stigma.

    Where can I find resources to help me with a mental health challenge?

    Key Takeaway: The National Alliance of Mental Illness is a friendly organization that uses plain language and can be a great resource for friends and family to understand mental health conditions. West Pines can also help with assessments and every county has a Community Mental Health Center that can assist with mental health conditions.

    Behavioral health treatment covers many conditions. We are passionate about caring for people across the full spectrum of disorders.

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