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    Pan Seared Skuna Bay Salmon

    Pan Seared Skuna Bay Salmon

    Pan Seared Skuna Bay Salmon

    Health 360: Pan Seared Salmon from SCL Health on Vimeo.

    Feeling fishy? Good, because Josh Niernberg is here to show you how to take your salmon from “meh” to mesmerizing. As the Owner and Executive Chef of Bin 707 Foodbar in Grand Junction, Josh isn’t afraid to turn up the heat and sear his way into people’s hearts and minds.


    Prepare the Salmon

    Pro Tips: 

    • The less you touch the fish, the better it will turn out.
    • You'll know when it's time to flip when it cooks itself off of the pan. If it's still stuck to the pan, don't mess with it, just let it cook a little longer.
    1. Cut into 6 oz portions. Don't add any seasoning until it's in the pan.
    2. Preheat pan dry with no oil in it on medium heat.
    3. Pour cold oil into pan and season with little bit of salt.
    4. Pan sear salmon with skin side facing up to start, 3-4 minutes per side.
    5. Drizzle pan with a little bit more oil
    6. Season with a little black pepper and coarse salt.
    7. Let salmon rest for 1-2 minutes while plating the rest of the dish. 

    Prepare the Quinoa

    1. Heat quinoa in vegetable stock until evaporated.
    2. Fluff quinoa just like rice.

    Prepare the Pistou

    Pro Tips:

    • The texture you are looking for is something that will hold itself onto the plate. Almost like a pesto.
    • Manipulate the flavor by adding more or less of each ingredient. More honey for more sweetness, more mustard greens for spicy flavor.
    1. Add mustard greens to blender with half a cup of orange juice.
    2. Pulse the blender a couple of times to get it started.
    3. Add honey.
    4. Add pine nuts.
    5. Add about a tablespoon of miso. Use either red or white.
    6. Add salt to season.
    7. Add roasted or fresh garlic.
    8. Puree ingredients until you get the thickness you want.
    9. Blend with olive oil to improve texture, if necessary.
    10. Push a couple of spoonfuls across the plate.
    11. Scoop quinoa on top of pistou to make a bed.
    12. Put some greens down on top of quinoa.
    13. Place salmon on top of greens.
    14. Slice radish and garnish with blackberries.
