“Our use of predictive analytics complements our mission, because the key to population health management is helping people be as well as they possibly can be. As such, we have deepened our capabilities around analytics, especially predictive analytics. It’s really important not only to understand who you’re serving today, but also who you will be serving in the future and how best to do so,” Kaiser said in the article.
The use of predictive analytics has helped Intermountain create several new practices and ideas. Such as our hotspotting approach where high-cost patients, who consume more than 50 percent of total healthcare costs, are treated at the Comprehensive Care Clinic integrating population health with medical and behavioral health visits.
“We can share this information with our comprehensive care clinic, which cares for patients with complicated comorbidities and chronic diseases, to provide a more focused, multidisciplinary primary care experience. The goal is to help improve overall health status and ensure delivery of the right care in the right setting at the right time,” Kaiser said in the article.
To read the complete article, visit Healthcare Executive (membership required).